Calling All Tax Paying Ladies of the Polis!

If you've ever entertained at a Symposium then this is the Blog for you!

Every day I'll be taking you through the ins and outs of (Gasp!) being a Hetaera in the big, bad city of Athens. If you're reading this from the courtyard of your husband's family home, then you have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you've been studying the fine art of entertaining men in Ancient Greece from 400 -300 B.C., then keep reading! Shoot Girl, You Know who you are!

Old School!

Old School!
Hetaera, Phintias Painter c. 510


All Hail the Great Aspasia.

They just don't make 'em the way they used to, do they? I was just having a conversation with Athenaeus about who we thought was the greatest Heteara in history and without missing a beat, we both said "Aspasia." I mean, the woman practically ran this place when she worked and lived here. Her school was notorious for educating the likes of Socrates, Plato and of course, the great love of her life, the General Pericles. She influenced some of the greatest men in our recent history with her rhetoric and political knowledge. I couldn't be more in awe of this woman who took her standing as a free woman in Athenian society and turned it into a life of culture, grace and family. Don't get me wrong, she had her bad times too, remember that messy Samos/Miletus ordeal? But was that really her fault? Come on, she wasn't even aloud to get married in this town, let alone make the call to go to war.

Well, even though she's long gone, this "Hetaera of the Month" award goes to Aspasia. May we all do our best to follow in your gloriously sandal-ed footsteps!

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