Calling All Tax Paying Ladies of the Polis!

If you've ever entertained at a Symposium then this is the Blog for you!

Every day I'll be taking you through the ins and outs of (Gasp!) being a Hetaera in the big, bad city of Athens. If you're reading this from the courtyard of your husband's family home, then you have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you've been studying the fine art of entertaining men in Ancient Greece from 400 -300 B.C., then keep reading! Shoot Girl, You Know who you are!

Old School!

Old School!
Hetaera, Phintias Painter c. 510


The Beauty Of Phyrne is her best defense!

Talk about a defense! Today, the hetaera Phyrne was standing trial for supposedly "profaning" the Eleusinian Mysteries.

When the verdict looked like it wasn't going to turn out in her favor, girlfriend TOOK HER ROBES OFF AND EXPOSED HER NAKED BODY! According to Athenaeus, the site was so divinely beautiful that she was acquitted.

I mean, it makes sense, this celebrated companion of Praxiteles was rumored to be the model for his famous sculpture Aphrodite of Cnidus. And, also sat for Apelles for his Venus Anadyomene.

Good Zeus, that was a bold move! I'm glad it payed off for her!

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