Calling All Tax Paying Ladies of the Polis!

If you've ever entertained at a Symposium then this is the Blog for you!

Every day I'll be taking you through the ins and outs of (Gasp!) being a Hetaera in the big, bad city of Athens. If you're reading this from the courtyard of your husband's family home, then you have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you've been studying the fine art of entertaining men in Ancient Greece from 400 -300 B.C., then keep reading! Shoot Girl, You Know who you are!

Old School!

Old School!
Hetaera, Phintias Painter c. 510



The worst thing that could happen to a girl like me, happened. Today. In front of the temple of Dionysus. A man, I'm pretty sure he was a slave or used to be a slave. I don't know, but his hands were really rough and mangled, PROPOSITIONED ME in broad daylight, while I was entertaining a patron. I could have died!

I am so sick and tired of people getting us Hetaera confused with those sleazy Pornai! Seriously, I went to school for a long time to be able to play the lyre, recite The Iliad AND feed my lover grapes at the same time.

Okay, People, here it is straight, the Pornai? They are common prostitutes. They exchange sex for money, plain and simple. Sometimes they even have a pimp! Eeeeew!

The Hetaerae on the other hand are the groomed companions of men. We study for years to be able to hold our own in a symposium along side some of the most famous men in the world. We do not accept money for sex acts, we accept gifts for real companionship. If those gifts happen to be drachma, than so be it.

I mean, we pay taxes and can walk around on our own anywhere we want! We're practically citizens!

Does that sound like a pornai to you? I didn't think so.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I love this site, I can relate because some people think that us belly dancers are prostitutes too, but we're not either....we also go to school for this stuff, pfft anyone can exchange s3x for money.
