Calling All Tax Paying Ladies of the Polis!

If you've ever entertained at a Symposium then this is the Blog for you!

Every day I'll be taking you through the ins and outs of (Gasp!) being a Hetaera in the big, bad city of Athens. If you're reading this from the courtyard of your husband's family home, then you have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you've been studying the fine art of entertaining men in Ancient Greece from 400 -300 B.C., then keep reading! Shoot Girl, You Know who you are!

Old School!

Old School!
Hetaera, Phintias Painter c. 510


Demosthenes says it best!

When people ask me what purpose a Hetaera serves in our fair city, I immediately think about this explanation that my old friend Demosthenes gave. He's quoted as saying:

"We have hetaerae for pleasure, pallakae (pornai) to care for our daily body's needs and wives to bear us legitimate children and to be faithful guardians of our households."

Now, I can't speak to the roles of the pornai or the wives, but I am certainly glad that the one mention of pleasure goes to us. Cause that's our job. We offer what no other class of woman can in Ancient Athens. A true companion of the opposite sex. Nope, you won't find a smarter or more charming set of ladies than the Hetaera. We went to school for this stuff!

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