Calling All Tax Paying Ladies of the Polis!

If you've ever entertained at a Symposium then this is the Blog for you!

Every day I'll be taking you through the ins and outs of (Gasp!) being a Hetaera in the big, bad city of Athens. If you're reading this from the courtyard of your husband's family home, then you have no idea what I'm talking about, but if you've been studying the fine art of entertaining men in Ancient Greece from 400 -300 B.C., then keep reading! Shoot Girl, You Know who you are!

Old School!

Old School!
Hetaera, Phintias Painter c. 510


Congratulations To a Very Lucky Hetaera!

Well, Well, Well! A big shout out to my girl Thargelia for an amazing turnout at the symposium last night. Our little aulos flute player has come a long way!

Typically not known for her fashion sense, when Thargelia walked in last night, heads did turn. The first thing I noticed where the new robes and the new silver hair combs. I didn't think much of it at first, but later on in the evening I realized that somebody wasn't posing like a statue and playing her instrument on command like she usually does. It was then that I saw our girl flirting THREE men at the same time. I won't name names, but one's a senator, one is a very well-to-do tradesman and the other is very accomplished philosopher.

That's right, gang! Thargelia has been bought and Paid for by not one, but THREE citizens! I guess, she was so expensive, she needed a corporation to get her attention.

Congratulations, lady! No more sleeping alone in the brothel for you.

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